Anthony had his very first soccer game last Saterday....he was stoked to be playing a real game. He loves playing and at first we were wondering if he would play in front of a crowed and it was one of the reasons for putting him in soccer was to get him out of being shy around a audience or having attention on him...So Iam hoping this will the looks of it on Saterday he didnt care who was watching..he was just excited playing soccer and made the first goal of the game..that got him all fired up lol... It was such a joy to watch him out there happy and being himself....
Anthonys coachs are mellisa and I....ya I was told I was asst coach lol I wasnt to excited cause i wasnt sure what I was to do and I wasnt comfortable doing it ..but I have to say Iam happy she made me because it has been alot of fun for me to be with all the little kids...and reminds me off when I taught pre school back before my own babies came along. Ya I was crackin up because I thought I was putting my son in to teach him to come out of his comfort lol and didnt realize I would be to hehehe....
one of the moms on his team made this adorable team sign and the kids named there own team "The Sharks" cute ha?
This was game day and as you can clearly see in the picture Anthonys after that ball lol...Daddy has been practicing with him on his days off and I have to say..his daddy taught him the game so he clearly understand what he is suppose to do lol...
Anthony after he made a happy was this little boy
Practice time