This year was Addison and Anthonys first year playing t-ball and was Addisons first year playing a sport besides horse back riding. They really enjoyed themselves and cant wait to play another sport.
"He will keep in perfect peace Him"
whose mind is steadfast because he
trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever.
For the Lord is the rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:3-4
I'am a wife to a wonderful man and a mother of 3 beautiful children and I thank God for blessing me with such a great family! God is good thats for sure!!God has given me a blessing of being a nurse to my family at home besides all of the other roles of being a wife and mother!Everyone in our family has a medical issue or condition that consist of many meds eachday!I myself have asthma,allergies,cold urticaria,My husband has ulcerative colitis,allergies,and My daughter Addison has severe eczema,asthma,allergies to 29 things enviorment and foods,My son Anthony has asthma and allerigies,My daughter Lillie has Eosinophilic Esophagitis,Allergic to 15 foods and is lactose intolerent she can have Chicken,turkey,ham,some fruit and some veggys and white rice,Acid reflux,Feeding tube in tummy, Eczema,developmental delays due to EE and sees a speech,physical and occupational thearpy each week!My hope is that through my journey with a family full of medical issues that you would find encouragement!