Addison lost her first tooth today!O boy was she excited in fact she pulled it out her self! We went to show auntie,papa and Nana!In fact we lost her tooth it flew out of the car when we went to show Auntie! so we had to call to ask her to look for it in the baggy and sure enough the little tooth had got thrown into the trash by Kory's brother who was cleaning out his truck in front of the house!!So this little tooth has been on a journey as well :) in fact I don't know if I was more excited about this lost tooth or what but its so much fun to see my children grow in each new stage of there growing!God sure does have a way of blessing my heart ! I know it sounds silly to be blessed my a lost tooth but to me it is so much fun to watch her grow up. Both Addison and Anthony will be starting kindergarten next year!Its so amazing to see them Grow so fast and I just thank God for there little lives!!all 3 of them!God is good. I thought I would share her little video of pulling her tooth out!Anthony was not to sure about it!
Crystal, that video was so precious!!! What a fantastic idea of you to do that...and since Addison was sitting in front of the mirror...the "reflection" was GREAT!!! My kids loved watching..we were all cheering her on!
Love you dear friend...and give Addison a big "YIPEE!!!" from the Pichura Family!
Anthony was hilarious...HE looks at the tooth and the expression he gives ADDison is like "Get it away from me, crazy girl"...
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