This Christmas was extra special to our family!We were able to celebrate our first Christmas with my new niece and nephew!I remember last year just waiting and thinking they would be here for Christmas it wasn't Gods timing.I had collected so much stuff for these sweet little children! I had no idea what they looked like let alone if they would be boys or girls or one of each I just new I loved them and couldn't wait for the day they would come into there new forever family and here we were this year with the sweet little pumpkins! me its like with any new born child and there first Christmas there is just something special about that Christmas!I loved seeing them on this beautiful day:)opening gifts and there sweet smiles and the excitement in them and simply just seeing them!and knowing they were finally here and celebrating with there family!
What I find so neat is that when my sister and her hubby first started the adoption process I seen God changing there hearts and softening them to and I would think to myself wow God sure is working in there hearts and I thought the change was just for them!God has not only been working in my sister and her hubby's and there kids hearts he has been working in my family's hearts as well through there adoption!God has showed us the importance of what adoption truly is and the fact that we were adopted into his family!When you understand the beauty of adoption through His adopting us then you cant help but to know you are called to adopt his orphans weather its through supporting and encouraging a mother who just adopted and needs encouragement,giving money or like our dear sister in Christ at church making quits or adopting children!
How ever God is calling us we are open to what he wants from us in helping serve him!I just feel blessed to be part of my sister and brother in laws adoption and the blessings in fact the many blessings that God has Gaven our whole family through this adoption!
I saying all this we had a blessed day! My mother loves serving and so this is what she did all day long was served her family.My sister and her cozy self made all of us really yummy peppermint lattes and she even showed me how to make them(later to find out she gave me a gift of all the things needed to make theses yummy things)I love family and I love being with them they bless my heart!The kids had alot of fun and its always a joy to see the kids running up and down Nana and papas stairs playing in there nice Christmas outfits!they are making memories that will always be there when they grow up and I think that's always so much fun to look back on.
What you shared blessed my heart...I can't begin to tell you how encouraged I am to know you are enouraged (hope that made sense)...Our lives are Gods and if what He is writing in one person's life causes another person to be moved than all praise be to God alone! We are only the instruments used to bring about God's good will and plan...We are called to remain humble and teachable, so my desire is that He continue to change our hearts more and more and more and more :)...Love you!
Awe Crystal....that was a precious's so beautiful how God takes situations and uses them way beyond what we even think possible to do a lot of HEART work, above all!
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