So I wanted to share something with you that is one of the things Iam very passionate about!To me its like with anything really!If God has allowed you to have gone through something that affects your family It has a big impression in you life and heart!whether its Adoption,family member with cancer, A loved one dieing,losing a job and so on!One thing I Thank God for is that had we not gone through something like our child being sick how could we encourage or even understand what one has gone through? Before I had Lillie I never thought twice when I seen a child in a wheel chair or a parent walking with a child with physical problems ext !I would just think too myself "Awe" and would avoid because I felt uncomfortable because I had no idea what to say thinking I wouldn't have the right words to say!I cared but just didn't grasp the whole understanding of a medically special child! but now that I have Lillie and have gone through alot with her I actually love to start a conversation with parents when I see that there child is medically special! I want to be able to possibly share Christ if I have the opportunity and plus it is nice to relate with others .I find myself feeling what that parent may be feeling:)All the stress of a sick child and all the effort it takes to care for a sick child defiantly something our family have all made it through with Christ and him alone!God taught us so much and gave us everything we needed to make it through and to still make it through each day!He is always faithful when we for a moment take our eyes off him and thank God We where surrounded by great family and friends that had been so encouraging to our family He is so very faithful to us :) So here is a little info on what my title of the post is all about:)
Many families travel far from home to get treatment for their seriously ill or injured children. The treatment may last a day, a month, or even longer. It's a long time to be away from home, or to divide a family.
Ronald McDonald Houses around the world offer families a way to stay together, in proximity to the treatment hospital, and be comfortable and cared for during their stay.
Allow Families are stronger when they are together, which helps in the healing process. By staying at a Ronald McDonald House, parents can also can better communicate with their child’s medical team and keep up with complicated treatment plans when needed.
Allow Children to Get the Best Care
When your child is sick, you want the best care possible - even if it is hundreds or thousands of miles away. The Ronald McDonald House allows families to access specialized medical treatment by providing a place to stay at little or sometimes no cost.
Can tabs for kids and there family!
Ronald McDonald Houses collect pop tabs instead of entire aluminum cans because the tabs are pure high-quality aluminum, unlike cans, which consist of aluminum and other alloys. Tabs are also easier to store than whole cans.
If your local Ronald McDonald House participates in the program, it’s likely cardboard collection containers in the shape of a house have been distributed to schools, community and civic groups and other organizations in your area. Collect pop tabs to drop off at one of these areas, or contact your local House about getting a collection container that you can be responsible for filling through one of your own groups.
How much?
After the tabs are collected, the local RMHC Chapter brings the collection to local recycling centers, where they are weighed to determine their value (values can vary significantly). The recycling center then sends the local RMHC Chapter a check for the total value.
RMHC at Work
Twelve new Ronald McDonald Houses opened in 2007. Thirty-four more are undergoing expansion.
Here is the site link
That is so neat....I am going to have to look into it for sure!!!! Thank you so much for the "heads up"!!!! What a blessing to be able to help out even in a small way like can tabs!
I love the Ronald McDonald House. A dear friend of mine and her husband stayed at a Ronald McDonald House when their first born was in the hospital and had wonderful things to say about it. Thanks for your post. I REALLY miss you and hope to hear from you. ♥
If it's important to you, it's important to me too...I'll save them for you!! Thank you for sharing your heart in how God has worked in your life with Lillie!
I have millions for u.
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