She made a nice mess for mommy to clean up and I was laughing at myself because as Iam telling her it is not okay... and then Iam taking a picture as its a good thing and she thinks its funny....but I have to get a picture of these types of when they are older I can show them lol
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving With Family.....
So this year we had Thanksgiving at our home and what fun we had....I love being with my family and enjoying eachothers company....I love having the fun we have and just laughing and talking.....
Although this Thanksgiving was not like all the rest....We were celebrating this Thanksgiving without my Grandpa (my moms dad) and grandmother who lived in minnisota all my life....and whom I didnt get to see as much as I would have loved to......there lives touched so many of us in diffrent ways and Iam so Thankful for the time I had with them......alot of us were greiving the lost of there presence on this special day....
My mom said a beautiful prayer for all of us and it blessed my heart as Iam sure it did everyone else...
The kids were a blast and we couldnt have Thanksgiving without some boys play fighting and boy was that a show to watch:)ohhh and papa barry playing fighting to with all the granbabies and neices and nephews:)I think it helps him be a kid again
Although this Thanksgiving was not like all the rest....We were celebrating this Thanksgiving without my Grandpa (my moms dad) and grandmother who lived in minnisota all my life....and whom I didnt get to see as much as I would have loved to......there lives touched so many of us in diffrent ways and Iam so Thankful for the time I had with them......alot of us were greiving the lost of there presence on this special day....
My mom said a beautiful prayer for all of us and it blessed my heart as Iam sure it did everyone else...
The kids were a blast and we couldnt have Thanksgiving without some boys play fighting and boy was that a show to watch:)ohhh and papa barry playing fighting to with all the granbabies and neices and nephews:)I think it helps him be a kid again
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Anthonys First Soccer Game
Anthony had his very first soccer game last Saterday....he was stoked to be playing a real game. He loves playing and at first we were wondering if he would play in front of a crowed and it was one of the reasons for putting him in soccer was to get him out of being shy around a audience or having attention on him...So Iam hoping this will the looks of it on Saterday he didnt care who was watching..he was just excited playing soccer and made the first goal of the game..that got him all fired up lol... It was such a joy to watch him out there happy and being himself....
Anthonys coachs are mellisa and I....ya I was told I was asst coach lol I wasnt to excited cause i wasnt sure what I was to do and I wasnt comfortable doing it ..but I have to say Iam happy she made me because it has been alot of fun for me to be with all the little kids...and reminds me off when I taught pre school back before my own babies came along. Ya I was crackin up because I thought I was putting my son in to teach him to come out of his comfort lol and didnt realize I would be to hehehe....
one of the moms on his team made this adorable team sign and the kids named there own team "The Sharks" cute ha?
This was game day and as you can clearly see in the picture Anthonys after that ball lol...Daddy has been practicing with him on his days off and I have to say..his daddy taught him the game so he clearly understand what he is suppose to do lol...
Anthony after he made a happy was this little boy
Practice time
Anthonys coachs are mellisa and I....ya I was told I was asst coach lol I wasnt to excited cause i wasnt sure what I was to do and I wasnt comfortable doing it ..but I have to say Iam happy she made me because it has been alot of fun for me to be with all the little kids...and reminds me off when I taught pre school back before my own babies came along. Ya I was crackin up because I thought I was putting my son in to teach him to come out of his comfort lol and didnt realize I would be to hehehe....
one of the moms on his team made this adorable team sign and the kids named there own team "The Sharks" cute ha?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New Doctor.....
Tony and I decided it was time to change Lillies GI doctor...due to her ability to treat lillie the way she needed to be treated as a patient with Eosinophic Esophagitis..This doctor has said to me herself that she doesnt know much about EE(short for what she has) So it was time to ask her ped if he new any good doctors that know about lillie girl...and sure enough he new one in walnut creek.....
We had our first appointment on Friday with him Dr. Hudad and he actually seen Lillie once in the hospital when lillie was a year old.....before I had went to this appt I made sure to have all the questions I had for him written down on paper...well this guy answered them all before even asking and that in its self was a huge know this doctor was on the same page I was on was great...his nurses said he has many patients with EE that he treats daily...I was so excited to know that and as we left they gave us all kinds of stuff for lillie to try and if she likes any of it The doctor said he would call in a perscripton for her to Apria health care...AWSOME because some of the stuff they gave I didnt even know they had it as a option for her to have........
I think to myself "geeze why couldnt we have had this doctor a long time ago" but then I remember because God has a perfect plan for lillie and it was in his timing that we had found this great doctor....Iam thankful to God for this doctor and it is great to know your child is in good care of someone who knows what they are dealing with when my child comes into there office.
Oh and another thing was this doctor got lillie in for a scope for this monday when before we would have to wait 2-3 months before getting in ......Thank You Lord
In case you dont know what scopes are..they are suppose to be done every 3-6 months and its to check for eosinophils in her says if lillie is still allergic and how allergic she is to foods and if she has a lot then they retest her foods to see if new ones appeared over they months ext...they put her under for this because its considered surgery and at least thats wear they do it is in surgery......The hard part will be when she wakes up on monday and cant have anything to eat until after the process is all done....What we will do is hook her up to her feeding tube and give her milk the night before until 12 am so her belly feels some what full when she wakes up.....We will see how she does....she is so much older and is aware of whats going on and it makes me sad because she is not a little baby anymore where she will forget what please be praying for her and for tony and I because the hard part for me is when they put the sleep meds on her to breath in....she looks so life less and it makes me emotional.....then again It makes me so thankful to God for her little life...
If you would like to learn more about Eosinophilic Esophagis you can go to it will tell you more about it.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
More Variety for Lillie Girl
I must say with a daughter with Eosinophic Esophagitis Iam always on the look out for more variety of foods for her...I always try to look for foods that will bring happiness to her because Iam always telling her she cant have this or she cant have that...The joy that comes when you are able to say "YES" you can have this the best feeling a mom can have....Lillie is amost 4 years old and understands she cant have all foods and that in its self is a blessing because she is starting to understand it will make her sick and throw up....The only hard part now is when she ask" mommy that make me sick? can Lillie have that? I love it?" and me saying " No Sweetie " it will make Lillie sick...You would think I would get use to saying no but the truth is that....It hurts every single time...I know I can replace certain things like her at birthday her gum or candy instead of cake and ice cream but it still hurts to say she cant have it and I dont know why because she does not know what its like to even have certain foods because she has never had them I think its just a mom thing....I know she can have more then some EE kids and Iam truly blessed she can still eat foods and is not on a strict amino based formula only diet like some eos kids and if there comes a day where she does have to then I know God will supplie all of Lillies and our familes needs...He has been faithful time and time again through this journey with lillie girl.
All this to say I was out of town food shopping and went to the dollar store and next door to the dollar store was a store called "Nutrition Shoppe" so I of corse thought " hmmm maybe lillie can have some foods in there" I went in and was feeling dicouraged as I couldnt find anything she could have because everything had at least one ingreident she couldnt as I went to check out with some lolly pops for lil I asked the lady do you have anything for my daughter who cant have beef,Lamb, wheat, soy, sunflower, Garlic, all dairy, all fish, all nuts and she said "yes" I honestly was thinking she just wanted me to buy something and just said yes to try and look or something..but my thoughts were not true lol because she had handed me corn pasta,and brownie mix and pancake mix...."WHAT"I had past them all up before because I had thought there was no reason to even look because of what is normally in these things...I was suprised and was overwhelmed with joy when I seen none of the foods she is allergic to on the ingredients...and so far the first week we have made the pancakes and I made the whole bag and food saved them in packs of 2 for the mornings and I even put blue berries in them...just to have her pull them all out each morning:) Lillie loved them and never left any not eaten and week 2 we made the corn pasta and I cooked turkey meat and mixed it up and she did great and had no allergic reaction and loved it.We are going to try the brownies this week and I forgot to mention why this is so exciting and its because Lillie has never had pancakes,brownies or pasta :~)
I took pictures of the foods just incase someone else who has allergies or Eos disease can possibly have them as well... Even though it says to make with eggs we just put applesause in for the eggs and it work just fine

All this to say I was out of town food shopping and went to the dollar store and next door to the dollar store was a store called "Nutrition Shoppe" so I of corse thought " hmmm maybe lillie can have some foods in there" I went in and was feeling dicouraged as I couldnt find anything she could have because everything had at least one ingreident she couldnt as I went to check out with some lolly pops for lil I asked the lady do you have anything for my daughter who cant have beef,Lamb, wheat, soy, sunflower, Garlic, all dairy, all fish, all nuts and she said "yes" I honestly was thinking she just wanted me to buy something and just said yes to try and look or something..but my thoughts were not true lol because she had handed me corn pasta,and brownie mix and pancake mix...."WHAT"I had past them all up before because I had thought there was no reason to even look because of what is normally in these things...I was suprised and was overwhelmed with joy when I seen none of the foods she is allergic to on the ingredients...and so far the first week we have made the pancakes and I made the whole bag and food saved them in packs of 2 for the mornings and I even put blue berries in them...just to have her pull them all out each morning:) Lillie loved them and never left any not eaten and week 2 we made the corn pasta and I cooked turkey meat and mixed it up and she did great and had no allergic reaction and loved it.We are going to try the brownies this week and I forgot to mention why this is so exciting and its because Lillie has never had pancakes,brownies or pasta :~)
I took pictures of the foods just incase someone else who has allergies or Eos disease can possibly have them as well... Even though it says to make with eggs we just put applesause in for the eggs and it work just fine
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Things Are In Full Swing
div>I am so glad Iam actually sitting down to blog....So we started school last week on monday and going on our second week...Addison is in 1st grade and we actually switched her work books to "Rod and Staff"and she seriously loves them and is confident about the work she does..infact a couple days ago she said to me "mommy Iam so proud of my self because I did all my work" in fact I was very happy for her because last year was a lot diffrent and I think the work books overwhelmed her.
Anthony is in kindergarden and he is learning that "We do school" He would like to play more then work and he is getting the idea of what we do everyday now.... Addison I think has got it down really well.....we do work -dont play-get it all done before 3pm so I can play with 2 of my best friends(she daily plays with these girls and they are just presious and find Addison just as special as she finds them.
Anthony is very great with his work and when he does his work he does a good job and catches on very well.....They are very eager in the morning to start school and I just pray it will last the year through.
Lillie is going to pre-school 5 days a week and at first I was a bit nervious to stick her in school like that everyday...but as the occupational - speeach- physical thearapist had tested her for this IEP program I learned that she was still in need of all three and would see them going to pre-school would help her in all the areas she is behind in....Lillie loves school and is so tired when she gets home and not to mention she is the only student so she is getting alot of one on one attention.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My Little Cow Girl Addison.......
Addison started horse back riding today and its as though she was made to ride...Addison has loved horses from the age of 2 years old and has collected horses over the years from Christmas and birthdays ext...So her room has horses here and there and everywhere. Last year she wanted to ride but we wanted to wait a year to see if it was just a thing and would go away....but we sit here at age 6 and will be 7 in Oct with still wanting to ride and so as I said today was her first day of riding at Lemann Stables in Brentwood....Elaine is her instructor and has 40 years of horse experience and is great with kids.Addison groomed her horse named "wendy" she was taught and will be taught every week the same thing.... brushing and cleaning the poo poo out of there hoofs and tons more of ground work before riding . she was able to take the horse out of the pen and walk it to the ring where she was to ride. Tony and I were so proud of her and more so because she was lisening so close to what Elaine was telling her to do. It truly blessed our hearts to see our daughter doing something we know she finds deep joy and that is( 1) being around a animal and (2) riding her favorite animal a "horse". Elaine said Addison has great balance which is good for riding horses and she said she has great confidece in riding a horse...It was such a true blessing to us to see our Addison so happy.
Get that poo poo girl :)
How exciting Addisons first time on a horse
Addison standing and balancing on "wendy" and Elaine with lead rope connected
Addison said the funnest thing when she was riding her horse....well the horse was getting mixed signals from addsion who didnt quite have her direction down and using her rains so the horse was going to the fence where we were standing watching and addsion goes" is this horse trained" and Elaine said "yes"
and addsion said "I think it needs better training " lol I said "no sweetie you need the training not the horse" lol it was cute and made us all laugh.
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