Addison started horse back riding today and its as though she was made to ride...Addison has loved horses from the age of 2 years old and has collected horses over the years from Christmas and birthdays ext...So her room has horses here and there and everywhere. Last year she wanted to ride but we wanted to wait a year to see if it was just a thing and would go away....but we sit here at age 6 and will be 7 in Oct with still wanting to ride and so as I said today was her first day of riding at Lemann Stables in Brentwood....Elaine is her instructor and has 40 years of horse experience and is great with kids.Addison groomed her horse named "wendy" she was taught and will be taught every week the same thing.... brushing and cleaning the poo poo out of there hoofs and tons more of ground work before riding . she was able to take the horse out of the pen and walk it to the ring where she was to ride. Tony and I were so proud of her and more so because she was lisening so close to what Elaine was telling her to do. It truly blessed our hearts to see our daughter doing something we know she finds deep joy and that is( 1) being around a animal and (2) riding her favorite animal a "horse". Elaine said Addison has great balance which is good for riding horses and she said she has great confidece in riding a horse...It was such a true blessing to us to see our Addison so happy.
Get that poo poo girl :)
How exciting Addisons first time on a horse
Addison standing and balancing on "wendy" and Elaine with lead rope connected
Addison said the funnest thing when she was riding her horse....well the horse was getting mixed signals from addsion who didnt quite have her direction down and using her rains so the horse was going to the fence where we were standing watching and addsion goes" is this horse trained" and Elaine said "yes"
and addsion said "I think it needs better training " lol I said "no sweetie you need the training not the horse" lol it was cute and made us all laugh.
how adorable!!!!!!!!!! i love them all! made auntie teary eyed :( shes sooo big!
I have to say she looks just like a natural on that horse :) What a joy to see her enjoying herself! And thank goodness for Charter school monies!!
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