We cant Thank God enough for his faithfulness to see us through yet another unexpected scary medical hospitalization with one of our children! We are not out of the woods yet because they were not 100% sure exactly if it was mostly asthma or pneumonia! They said Addison had the beginning stages of a walking pneumonia and that it flared up a asthma attack!She has a follow up with her pediatrician tomorrow to see what we need to do from here so I will keep you all posted!We are so thankful to everyone that was praying for Addison and our family and for all the concern for our family these last few days! God is so good no matter what we are faced with.Thank you for caring!!We are back to our daily routine and the kids are in bed and Iam praying that they all get a great night sleep and me to as well!!Addison has to still have breathing treatments every 4 hours and has antibiotics for at night for wheezing! I Thank God for watching out for my sweet girl and that I was able to get her to the doctors before something worse had happen to her and couldn't get her breathing back! My sister said she had talked to 2 people and one person knew a 3 year old girl that died from a asthma attack!her parents had token her to the hospital and the doctors couldn't get her breathing back to normal or stable. Another women told Wendy that she knew 2 different children from 2 different homes that died from asthma attack !So we are thankful for Gods Mercy on our family!We continue to trust in him and his will for our families life.
P.S this picture was from last week I promise we were not outside today in this wind!and we wont be for the next week or so lol.
Praise the Lord!!! I am so glad you are all back at home. Thanks for sharing your goings on in the hospital and my whole family LOVED seeing the pictures of Addison! :)
Love you!
I am rejoicing with you as your bring home Addison and don't take it for granted, that is, His grace and mercy...I thought about what one might say about a child who hasn't made it...Was God not merciful to that child or the parents of that child?? On the contrary, God's Word says that for believers "He works all things togther for good to those who love Him for those who are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28...God's mercy displays itself in all kinds of ways, for each one of us His mercy may look different and sometimes not even as we may like it to look. But all God's ways are just and right, so may we rest in that truth as believers
Thank you wendy for going into Gods MERCY and it looking diffrent in other peoples lives I appericiate that you went into that a bit more! I couldnt have said that better thank you wendy!!
So glad she is home! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
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