What A blessing it was that my husband was able to go to L.A. to the Shepherd's conference this year for the first time!My husband has never attended something this huge and especially not with over 3000 men that attended from many different countries around the world! which was exciting for him.It was a precious 4 days for him and a time of learning about our savior and knowing how to glorify his name in all we say and do in our life as well as how to better lead his family in the way that honors God!! My husband was also able to attend with 3 other men from the church we are from and attend as well as with kawika and this was a blessing he said!!I thank God so much for my husband and to see him grow in God blesses my heart!!I must say this was the longest time away from each other we have been and I am glad that our longest time away from one another was him going to L.A. to this conference! I missed him so much and missed his company but some times being away from one another like we were is where the Lord puts a stronger appreciation for him in my heart!which I thank God for! not that I didn't already you just get use to seeing one another and doing the same thing day in day out that you sometimes forget how much you appreciate him and that's why when he was away it gave me alot more time to say to myself " boy do I miss that man I love and how dear to my heart he truly is".So in saying all of this God is good and I thank God tony was able to see that there are many more men out there that are striving for that #1 goal and that is to be a man who follows Christ and leads his family and points them to Christ in EVERYTHING they do!
We were excited that daddy was coming home from being away for 4 days! so we made him a special banner to welcome him back home! we also wanted to be sure daddy came home to a clean home ! so while daddy was driving home we were at work at home
Awww, Crystal...that was precious!!! Bryan missed going so much, but we are so glad Tony got to go and fellowship with so many other godly men!!! And I know exactly what you mean about missing them more and appreciating them more after they are gone for a few days...life is so much sweeter with our hubbies, isn't it!!!
Way to keep the kids cleaning, too!!!
I'm so thankful Tony could go this year Crystal, these conferences have always been a sweet source of encourage ment for my hubby too!! What a great welcome for daddy coming home and I'm sure he was sweetly blessed :)
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